Eliminate Pain with Natural Alignment

Much of our pain exists because the body is out of balance. It could be the result of an old injury, hours of sitting behind a desk or the wheel of a car, repetitive use injuries from exercise or work, or a postural dysfunction. All of these can knock your body out of  alignment, causing pain, sleeplessness, and limitations. Rolfing Structural Integration guides your body back into balance, eliminating the dysfunction that is causing your pain.


What is Natural Alignment?

Your body is designed to have a certain posture, whereby the ankles, knees, hips and shoulders are aligned vertically and horizontally. This natural alignment gives you strength, stability and allows you to function efficiently – pain free.

How do we lose natural alignment?

Muscles, bone and fascia keep your posture in alignment and require a variety of work to stay functional, balanced and healthy. Our modern day lifestyle does not provide this, as we spend so much time sitting  from a young age at the desk, computer and on the soft couch in front of the TV. Because of this our muscles, fascia and bones become unbalanced and our posture moves out of alignment.

What are the effects?

Incorrect posture causes fascia and muscles to overwork and can make them more susceptible to injury and pain. Joints start to move and  function incorrectly which can lead to abnormal wear and tear, impingement and pain. Ultimately, your body does not work the way it was designed to and you develop a condition and it’s associated symptoms.

What’s the solution?

If you want to stop a leak, you don’t continue to put paper towels down to collect the pooling water; you fix the pipe! This is why painkillers, surgery, braces, general exercises and many therapies often will not  help in the long-term because they focus on the symptom (the ‘water’), rather than the underlying root cause (the ‘pipe’). Eventually the pain may return in the same location or nearby.

Rolfing Structural Integration on the other hand, aims to tackle the root cause of your pain.  In many cases the pain and dysfunction is a result of tight fascia and stiff scar tissue which causes a domino effect of posture imbalances and limitations.

Rolfing Structural Integration has helped thousands of people around the world live pain free, and is a trusted method for ending chronic pain.  The aim is to not only end your current pain, dysfunction and limitations, but to reduce your risk of future pain and injuries, so you can lead an active and fulfilling lifestyle for years to come.


Rolfing body work is applied layer by layer in the body, systematically progressing towards an integrated whole. It is this approach, developed by Dr. Ida Rolf that allows such significant changes in a short period of time.

The first seven sessions work to build upon each other as they focus on the connective tissue, fascia and rhythms of respiration and other responses of the body. These sessions help remove strain from specific areas of the body such as the lower back, neck, or knees. The last three sessions organize, integrate, and align the body as a whole, leading to improved balance, enhanced freedom of movement, and greater vitality.

After completing the first tens sessions and having several months integration, many clients return to release the patterns to a deeper level and reinforce the alignment, mobility and gains from the previous life changing sessions.

The System of Rolfing

Rolfing is a proven system of body restructuring and movement education. It releases the body’s segments (legs, torso, arms) from life-long patterns of tension, pain, dysfuction and imbalance.

Rolfing focuses on a layer called fascia, which is the sheathing membrane that covers muscles, tendons, and organs. Fascia, like a girdle, gives shapes and length to soft tissue.

Dr. Ida Rolf discovered over 50 years ago that it was possible to reshape fascia with manipulation and it would stay in the newly formed shape. Painful issues, like scoliosis and sciatica, can be treated without surgery using this reshaping on a whole body basis.

Rolfing helps to address issues of the whole body—how it is ordered and balanced, how it moves, and how one issue can lead to problems elsewhere. Rolfers are specialists at assessing and treating body alignment issues by reshaping fascia and educating clients.

What does a Rolfer Do?

A Rolfer will free the short and tight fascia, allowing the muscles’ return to a balanced relationship and the body to release the compensations. While Rolfing is primarily concerned with structural changes, any change in the physical body affects the whole person, including the release of old wounds and minimization of chronic pain. Clients then experience restored mobility, energy, and a renewed sense of well-being. This work can be transformational!

Why Rolfing?

Rolfing can vastly improve posture, alignment, flexibility, and performance. It can eliminate chronic pain and relieve unnecessary aches, pains, and stiffness. Rolfing aides rehabilitation from an injury—new or old, and often releases deep-seated emotional trauma rooted within the body.  Individual treatment tailoring and education gives the client a new awareness of their body needs and strengthens the body/mind connection.

Does Rolfing Hurt?

During treatment there may be momentary discomfort described by most people as “a good hurt.” There is no sense of being injured or unsafe.  There is absolutely no abrupt manipulation.  Rather, deep, gentle pressure is used with a resultant sense of release/relief.  Careful consideration is given to the individual’s pain tolerance and condition.

How is Rolfing Different?

Commonly, the goal of Massage Therapy is to relieve tension, focus on the symptom and create relaxation. The goal of Rolfing is to focus on the root cause, create permanent change, address the symptoms and relieve chronic pain. Rolfing releases holding patterns in the entire body and treats the body as an integrated system. Rolfing is a wholistic approach to health care.

More about Rolfing

Permanent Structural change

We’ve all seen houses in need of repair. If the foundation is compromised then re-hanging the doors that are jamming will not fix the problem. You can saw off the bottom of the jammed door and re-hang it, but  until the foundation is level and balanced other problems will show up. It is the same with the human body: we can keep adjusting the neck, shoulder,spine, hips, knees and ankles, but if we do not address the foundtation, imbalances and the root cause, the old pattern will persist. Rolfing is a systematic plan for a body wide structural change that “rebuilds” the system from the ground up.


Have you noticed  one hip is more “open” than the other, or that your back is sore when you sit for too long? Do your joints feel restricted? Rolfing works with the fascial layer to create length, mobility and strength , it can help with joint pain, inflexibility and postural imbalances. The work is slow, deliberate and gentle (no, not painful), allowing your nervous system to receive maximum benefit from a Rolfing intervention.


If you have set up a tent, then you know the importance of balance. We learn that the poles or “skeleton” of the tent is as important as the nylon/canvas/cotton fabric or “soft tissue” of the structure. If one side is too tight or loose on one side, the structure is compromised and off, the same thing happens in the body. Keeping your shoulders or head back is a struggle when our structure is not aligned and balanced. Like the tent we are designed to be balanced..

Self Awareness

Walking down the hall at work or at school, running in the park, stretching out on a mat, reaching into the back of the vehicle, or just taking a deep, relaxing breath: all these activities become easier when your body is feeling aligned, pain free and balanced.

Freedom from pain

Rolfing addresses the root cause of pain, which is quite often restrictions/limitations brought on by injury, accident, scar tissue, repetitive movements or lifelong postural patterns. Best of all the changes achieved from The Rolfing 10 are often lifelong.


Rolfing 10- Invest in your Health

Throughout this series there is an element of education (home exercises, stretches, and awareness practices) that can enhance the client’s progress.

Session 1 – client is introduced to the mechanics and intent of Rolfing, with this session developing greater space for breath. This session will systematically release the body’s “stocking” or facial sheath that lies just below the skin’s surface. A sense of body lengthening is common—a freeing of breath and relaxation.

Session 2 – here we create more space and support for the body in the feet, legs, and hips. Emphasis will be focused on walking behaviors which hamper posture and flexibility of the entire body.

Session 3 – the goal is to create balance in the body, front to back and  connect the upper arms, pelvis and lateral line. We will work to arrange the shoulders, ribs, and pelvis into alignment. This session will help to differentiate , mobilize and lift the rib cage from the shoulder girdle and release the lower-back from the pelvis and change the holding pattern of the fascia/ tissue of the outer leg. Giving a greater ease in movement and flexibility.

Session 4 –  begin to open up more space in the client’s center or “core” space. Work is done from the inside of the legs beginning at the ankles up to the base of the pelvis. This is followed by work on the hamstrings and organizing the back and neck. Although most of the work is on the legs, a client will also often feel a “lift” throughout the torso.

Session 5 – continuing the previous session, we will further opens space in your center or core-space. The focus is with the abdominal and hip flexors of the body. People usually over- use their abdominal muscles in doing the work intended for the stronger and deeper muscles.  The focus of this session will create more space between the strong superficial abdominal muscles and the deeper hip flexors (psoas) and the organs of the body.

Session 6 – here the goal is to free the pelvis from the legs, sacrum (tailbone), and the torso/spine.  This session has a very specific approach to the pelvis. Key are the deep rotation muscles around the top of the femur (leg bone). If the client’s legs are unable to function smoothly while walking, balancing the “rotators” deep in the hips and gluteal area will help free the movement.

Session 7 – effort is placed on balancing the neck and head on the spine. Dr. Rolf often remarked: “The seventh session is the last chance to “horizontal” the pelvis,” but in fact, this  session is directed entirely toward relating the head and neck to the rest of the body.  Work will focus on the neck fascia, opening the connective tissues around the skull and face. This helps to improve breathing as the constricted nasal passages are opened.

Sessions 8, 9, 10 – In sessions 1 through 7, we focused on specific areas of the body. The goals of each session centered on placing its part in vertical body balance. The goal of the last three sessions is to integrate the body as a whole: the integrative hours.  During these final sessions, a broader and more comprehensive approach to the problem of integrating the entire structure becomes necessary. It should be noted that as individual needs vary, some clients may need additional sessions.